Sunday, May 27, 2007

Temper temper.

That seems to be the trend with the kids lately, oftentimes more than slightly frustrating, but also pretty hilarious. They all have their own styles and it’s sometimes a struggle to hold back our laughter, which often aggravates them even more.

When Mary has tantrums she gets very sassy. She gives very cold looks with her chin to the floor, and she mutters under her breath that you’re not her friend anymore, before calmly walking out of the room.

Simon on the other hand, who usually saves his tantrums for Mommy, will put on much more of a show. He’ll flap both of his arms in the air like he’s trying to fly, while jumping up and down and jiggling his legs side to side.

Jake pretty much just starts to cry, making him even harder to understand than his normal jumbly speech. He also will threaten to not be our friend, as well as telling us that he’ll push us off the counter and kick us, big words for a small four year old.

Siya is as usual the most vocal, his voice rising to a high whine. He’ll make puppy dog eyes, stick out his lip, and start to bounce up and down looking quite forlorn.

So, what I’ve been learning most lately is patience. Although the kids can really give us a go sometimes, the next second they can be the sweetest kids in the world, showing us exactly why we’ve come to love them each so much. It’s just a matter of hanging in there for the difficult moments, and moving on from there.

1 comment:

Maria Elyse said...

Glad to hear nothing has changed ;)