Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I've arrived:

Well, a week ago that is :) I haven't gotten a moment to do a blog yet, and this one might be short, but a longer one is in the works.

So, Sinakekele is an amazing place! The children are full of energy and always have something to say, naughty or nice. Ruth, the woman who founded and runs Sinakekele is such an inspiration, so faithful and persistent. The other volunteers, Cindee and Mel, and a ton of fun, very welcoming!

Durban, South Africa, is a beautiful place, with friendly people and a great view of the Indian Ocean! Even though it's becoming winter here, the days are still sunny and warm, and I think I may be starting a slow tan :)

A typical day at Sinakekele starts by picking up Ruth and the kids in the morning. Ruth gets delivered to work, a 45 min. drive, and the kids get taken to preschool. They are fetched just past lunch, and come home where the little onew nap, and we do structured activities in the afternoon, working on improving for school. Then it's bathtime and dinnertime, then story and bed.

It seems so simple written out like that, but it involves a lot more, including hospital trips, occupational therapy, grocery shopping, tantrums, and more!

Well, I'm out of time for now, but hopefully soon I can write more about each of the lovely and spirited children, and a bit about what I've learned so far about God and about myself as well.

1 comment:

Maria Elyse said...

"They always have something to say, naughty or nice" So true! I love it. I'm glad your settling in, and that you had a moment to update us.
I can imagine how busy your days are, but it's good you have some other volunteers to hang out with! Say hi to Ruth for me. Enjoy that beautiful place.