Tuesday, June 26, 2007


We have been having quite a bit of difficulty lately with car issues, medicine issues, and deposit issues. It has been really neat to see the ways in which God provides. Ruth's company decided to give her a company car the same day that her car broke down on the freeway ramp. Cindee's church sent a large donation the same week that Ruth was struggling to find the money to pay the deposit for the house we will rent next. Siya's meds. were discontinued in the area, and someone from Mel's church decided to sponsor the costs of ordering the medicine. God works in so many ways, through so many people, and I am so blessed to be seeing how. Thank you all for your support in prayer, God hears and provides! If anyone would like more information on supporting Sinakekele financially, more details can be found on the website (www.sinakekele.co.za).

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